Regardless of whether a particular business venture is objectively a failure or success over the short- or long-term, ensuring that your business interests are protected through recovering debt or equity investment can unfortunately be a grueling and complex process.
The business litigation attorneys of Rome LLP effectively represent both individuals and entities in funding and profit participation disputes, relying on our deep understanding of the financial complexities and maneuverings often present in such disputes as well as our aggressive negotiation and courtroom skills which we put to use in relentlessly pursuing justice on behalf of our clients.
Funding and profit participation disputes occur in all type of industries, but are especially common in the context of startups, technology companies, entertainment-related projects, and other types of innovative business ventures. The attorneys of Rome LLP have a wide depth of experience in understanding the particularities of resolving disputes across various industries and across international borders. No matter the business context in which a funding or profit participation dispute arises in or where your specific interests lie in resolving the dispute, we can effectively represent your interests in resolving the matter in your favor.